“In the Grip of Katrina” the best book of 2018

Over 100 books awarded in quarterly plebiscites of the Granice.pl website (“Best book for spring”, “Best book for summer”, “Best book for autumn” and “Best book for winter”) competed in 14 categories for the recognition of jurors and Internet users in the oldest online competition and plebiscite “Books of the Year”, organized for 10 years by the editors of the Granice.pl website. Over 55,000 votes were cast. Which books published in 2018 will we remember for longer? In the non-fiction category, two items won the same number of internet users’ votes. The first of them was the publication by Kuba Kucharski “In the grip of Katrina” (Annapurna Publishing House). The winning book is a detailed account, almost a diary of the travels and tragic events of the hurricane. If these events did not take place in reality, it could be said that they are great material for an engaging and suspenseful action novel. The book is read instantly, with bated breath following the fate of the people described. It’s hard to break away from reading. The author proves that although making dreams come true is worth the sacrifices and inconveniences, it is always worth taking a cold and common sense approach to the proposed solutions beforehand. We will not always be lucky. The whole article can be read here: https://www.granice.pl/news/ksiazki-roku-2018/8107 We also remind you that “In the grip of Katrina” in the summer won the title of “Best Book for Summer 2018”.

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